1. You consider "Schlager" being a proper music genre.
2. You only listen to “Schlager” once a year.
3. You proudly state that the best Eurovision entry ever is "Waterloo".
It still disturbs you that Carola did not win the Eurovision Song Contest the first time around she participated, back in -83.
4. When you giggle when singing the second verse of “Ja, må han leva”.
5. You feel the need to apologize to people for the Crazy Frog since a Swede invented it.
6. You know the lyrics of "Man ska ha husvagn..." and every now and then it pops up in your head.
7. You think the song in the “Blossa” advertisement is a proper Christmas carol.
8. You actually know which three persons the abbreviation GES refers to.
9. You believe that GES "När vi gräver guld i USA" is the best song about football ever. EVER!
10. The voice of Per Gessle brings back memories from every summer of your life.
11. You know that Per Gessle is responsible for more child conceiving than Barry White.
12. You force Non-Sweds to listen to Gyllenetider during the whole summer even though they cant understand the beauty of it. it is not because of your lack of trying. You have in fact tried to translate all the songs for them and tried to convince them to learn to sing “Sommar tider” in Swedish.
13. Even if you normally hate ABBA, Ace of Base, Roxette etc. you still LOVE it when you're in a club abroad and they play something Swedish (you'll probably even ask the DJ to play it…).
14. You’ve always believed that Cornelis Wreeswijk sang a song called "Hejsan Morsan, Hejsan Stabben", even though it’s really called "Brev från Kolonien")
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