1. You have a summer house in the countryside. It has no running water or flushing toilet, but you can't understand why none of your non-Swedish friends want to visit.
2. The law in your country says it's legal to sell sex, but illegal to buy it.
3. You go downtown during a Sunday and don't expect to meet a single soul during a thirty minute walk.
4. You thought 'Aftonbladet' and 'Expressen' were full of silly news. Then you went abroad and found that many papers include nothing but naked women and sex.
5. In desperation you think you bought the wrong item because the condoms come in square packages instead of rectangular ones.
6. You have absolutely no idea what is meant by" Swedish massage" that keeps being advertised in spas all over the world.
7. You are constantly surprised that you are the tallest one in any given situation while abroad (some countries are exceptions of course).
8. You get chills down your spine thinking about the "Flour-tant".
9. Your parents pay you every month for not eating sweets for a year (or so).
10. You instinctively spot Swedes from a distance based on looks and what they're wearing and/or by the round pale mark in the pocket of their jeans (obviously they are anomalies- Norwegians or Finns at a push…)
11. You have been or know someone who has been an exchange student
12. You are amazed to find that other countries are not familiar with winter tires and 'halkbanor'.
13. You know an entire catalogue of “Bellman”- and “Norge” jokes.
14. You own more than 5 candles and light them daily.
15. Everyone owns at least one mobile phone, but there's no longer land line phones in all homes.
16. You think that v70R is the ultimate sportscar.
17. You know the population of your hometown quite accurately.
18. At the age of ten, you knew all twenty five counties of Sweden by heart, including every town with approximately more than five people in it. In other words, you’ve have had a good geographical education.
19. You wash your face in an English bathroom and get totally annoyed about the fact that you are either burning your face or putting a layer of ice on it! Therefore you rave to Non-Swedes about the superiority of only using one tap for both hot and cold water since "In the country where I come from, we have had one tap for both hot and cold water since the Medieval days!"
20. You can type in someone’s name on the internet and find out everything about them; phone numbers, see where they live and even see a picture of their front door.
21. You go to McDonalds & the staff work as elite models in their spare time.
22. When you tell Americans that you're Swedish and get thoroughly annoyed when they say "Me too!"
23. You have seen both your parents naked more than once.
24. You secretly consider Finland a part of Sweden and can't understand why they don't.
25. Your queen is from Germany.
26. Someone in your family or someone you know has a ping-pong table in their country house.
27. You find it normal to have the kitchen lamp hanging from a cord/string over your table instead of being attached directly to the ceiling.
28. You get homesick out of reading that list
29. You actually read all of these posts.
30. You would never ever admit to anything on this list (since that would make you “too” Swedish)
31. You unfourtunately realise that everything on this list is true.
Now, for a change:
Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?
Short link:
Copy - http://ofcour.se/~MkX9$o
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July 18, 2012 at 7:13 am
I’m not swedish, american (not to proud of it really) but I read all of this, spent an hour 01:00 to 02:00 reading this. Was doing research on .SE domain names, and saw the domain hack, and clicked. Glad I did, funny stuff, and interesting, and in it’s own way insightful. Makes me wanna visit Switzer… I mean Sweden sometime. <–Twas a joke by the by. Didn't really understand that one however.